A building represents so much more than square footage here at CCA. It's ultimately a holy space where lives can be changed for God's Kingdom. The Calvary Fieldhouse was designed with that mission in mind. The Calvary Fieldhouse and Concourse will serve as a tool that will directly impact students’ lives through physical education classes and athletic activities that will take place in these spaces. Not only will the new facilities elevate our students' CCA experience, but they will also mirror Christ’s excellence and hospitality to our visiting team and families.

Join us on this journey as we dedicate this project to the Lord and pray that His Kingdom would be advanced through every square foot.

A Building For ALL

For over 20 years, Calvary Christian Academy has partnered with parents to “Make Disciples” by creating a distinctively Christian environment by building relationships, fostering community, and strengthening the body of Christ. Our journey to this next level of excellence begins with the construction of the 14,000+ sq. ft. Calvary Fieldhouse.

This two-story Fieldhouse will serve all members of our CCA community with our Physical Education Department using it as a tool to enhance the current program with room for future growth. Our coaches and their instruction play a vital role in the holistic development of students, ensuring they are thriving physically, academically, and socially.



  • Complete build-out cost of $5+ Million
  • Timeline: We broke ground in November of 2021 and the total completion time is estimated to be 12-18 months from groundbreaking.
  • 14,000+ square foot Fieldhouse.
  • Two large locker rooms to serve athletic and physical education programs.
  • 1,200 sq. ft. athletic training room to treat and rehab injured athletes, and a clinical setting for injury prevention classes.
  • 2,000 sq. ft. of meeting space for special events, meetings, discipleship opportunities, and preparation time for greater on-the-field and classroom success.
  • Coaches’ locker rooms and 1,500 sq. ft. of collaborative space where coaching staff can minister to student-athletes.
  • Two-story building focused on serving physical education students, student-athletes, coaching staff, and visiting families.



Ground Floor

The 7,260 square ft. ground floor of the Calvary Fieldhouse will feature an athletic training room that will serve all students. This new space will provide a healthy environment for our training staff to evaluate injuries, rehabilitate existing needs, and prepare Eagles for practices and games. CCA students will also be able to take sports injury classes taught by a full-time athletic trainer.

Locker Rooms

The locker rooms hold a generous amount of space for teams to prepare for competition, strategize, debrief, and pray. Physical education students will also be able to dress for class and secure their valuables in this accommodating space. Custom lockers complete with antibacterial surfaces will support even more students.


Second Floor

Serving the spiritual, educational and social needs of our students and coaches.

The 2,000-square-foot meeting room, which can be partitioned in half, will serve the athletic teams and physical education programs. PE and sports teams will be able to continue their athletic training indoors when inclement weather arises and requires them to take respite indoors. These rooms will also equip our Eagles with the necessary technology for film review, game planning, and instruction.

    • Capital > Concourse


    • Capital > Concourse > Hospitality


The CCA community is known for its hospitality, excellence, and welcoming atmosphere. To further our mission to make disciples and make Him known this new spectator concourse will create a space for community connection and fellowship.

Restrooms & Concessions

Currently, our students and guests have to now cross a street and wait in line over by our baseball field in order to use a very small restroom.

The new public restrooms and concessions will be conveniently located just behind the grandstands and will support large events to create an excellent experience for Eagles’ fans and guests. The Concourse area will create additional shaded space for attendees to grab a bite to eat, take a break, and socialize.

Safe Social Space

This outdoor area will also serve as a safe, student-centric space where our Eagles can engage socially with their peers during after school activities.

    • Capital > Layout


Health & Safety

The current facilities have struggled to meet the demands placed on it during athletic events and practices. The existing locker rooms have fulfilled their purpose but have surpassed their functional lifespan. Our current facilities need continuous maintenance and repair and are too small for our athletes and spectators.

Currently, our students and guests have to now cross a street and wait in line over by our baseball field in order to use a very small restroom. This is not adequate space and it is not safe.

2020 has opened all of our eyes to just how essential a high level of cleanliness is. Because the health and safety of our students and staff are of utmost importance, it is imperative that we elevate our athletic facilities to address areas that have not reached their potential.

The new locker rooms, restrooms, and athletic training facilities in the Calvary Fieldhouse will feature antimicrobial surfaces throughout the building. These surfaces will be easy to clean and sanitized frequently to ensure the health and safety of our Eagles.

CCA also has on-campus athletic trainers who are very skilled in their craft to treat athletes on the field, especially in life-threatening situations like heat illness. Because of Calvary Fieldhouse’s close proximity to Calvary Field and our other fields, our Sports Medicine staff will be able to quickly evaluate students with injuries in a climate-controlled environment equipped with hospital-grade medical resources.

Beacon of Light

A beacon is a source of light or inspiration. Calvary Christian Academy must continue being the light of Christ by serving others and loving them well.

The Calvary Fieldhouse and Concourse will help us further our mission of making disciples and serve as a space in our community where new conversations can take place, relationships can be nurtured, and students can flourish spiritually, academically, and socially.

This facility will set an example of excellence to our students and all who visit our campus and attend events. It will give our teachers, coaches, and staff a space to collaborate, and allow multiple classes to meet or teams to strategize and build stronger bonds.



Fieldhouse Features:

  • Locker rooms will serve our entire physical education program and all sports teams
  • The athletic training room will allow us to treat and rehab student injuries
  • The two large meeting rooms will serve as classrooms and be an ideal space for hosting team meeting and reviewing plays
  • Staff locker rooms and conference room will support all coaching staff
  • Administrative office area serving as the hub for CCA Athletics

Concourse Features:

  • Covered concessions and cafe-styled seating in the shade of the grandstand
  • Large restrooms located right behind the grandstand will serve our students and guests

Improvements Will . . .

  • Serve as a tool for teachers and coaches to better serve our students and athletes.
  • Dramatically increase the efficiency of all aspects of team operations, providing higher quality instruction and preparation
  • Significantly reduce the spread of viral and bacterial infection through antimicrobial surfaces
  • Allow for improved treatment for students who have been injured, require rehabilitation, or are in need of emergency medical attention
  • Provide incredible opportunities for hospitality to our Eagles, their families, and our community.
  • Promote Christian education to further spread the Gospel and make disciples who lead others to the Lord’s love and light

Help us bring this vision to life!

For more information and to make a financial contribution
towards this project, contact Calvary Christian Academy’s Director of Advancement, Jennifer Aluart.

JenniferAl@CCAEagles.org | 954-905-5155

“Let us arise and build!” –Nehemiah 2:18